September 2020

Minutes of Directors Meeting
Thursday 24th September 2020
The Old Colliery Office
4.00 pm

Present:- P Blanksby (Chair), A Whiteway, Rita Bullock, , S Hryschko, M Wright, Fran Blanksby (observing)

Apologies:- None

Minute Taker :- Steph Hryschko

Declaration of interest:-None

20/51D Minutes of Last Meeting – Matters Arising

The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting.

20/52D Financial Report:-

SH distributed a copy of the bank balances.

20/53D Staff Reports

None presented

20/54D Restricted funding & media / volunteer coordinator appointment

SH proposed filling this role on a 3 month probationary period, as soon as possible.
All agreed
20/55D :- Pavilion build & Football Foundation update

We have received a feasible quote from Emerald construction Ltd at £800K. SH met with the CEO and Lee Birbeck from Harsco to negotiate Harsco contribution to this. Chris Bailey from Sheffield United Community Forum was also present and was very positive about possible joint working in the future (separate meeting arranged)
Unfortunately, Football Foundation have now changed the parameters of their offer which would now mean a maximum of £250K and a new application.

20/56D :Shipping Container

Still no movement on this. Lee Burbeck mentioned at the Harsco meeting that they were ready and waiting to hear from SN when he had cleared the bed area to be filled in.
As this still hadn’t been done, AW and Steve Land have now completed the preparation work.

20/57D Police Fraud Investigation:-

Contact from Police Fraud team asking for copies of our sage print out. SH and NW to follow up.

20/58D Director Resignations and Recruiting new:-

A lengthy debate ensued following two more resignations this week (MW and DB)
SH suggested there was no point in recruiting new without getting to the root cause of resignations. MW was very frank about his reasons. This needs urgent follow up by MG
It was suggested that we need a community matters magazine as soon as possible which will mainly promote the Trust and its activities as part of a recruitment drive.

20/59D A.O.B. None.

NEXT MEETING:- Thursday 29th October 2020 at 4.00 pm