Directors Meeting
Thursday, 21st February 2019
The Old Colliery Office
4.00 pm
Present:- P Blanksby (Chair), S Hryschko, M Wright, D Beck, R Bullock, A Whiteway
Apologies:- None
Absent:- M Gray, S Nuttall
Minute Taker :- R Bullock
Declaration of interest:- None
Matters Arising:- 2019/005D – Policies & Procedures
Safe Guarding and Health & Safety – some items on the policies need update and revision. MW will take a look at these.
KB will continue to do the work required for Health & Safety i.e. fire extinguishers etc but a Board member will sign it off and the Board collectively will take full responsibility.
2019/006D – KB Report – KB to be asked to advise the Board the size of our pitch and the size required for 11 aside.
SH asked that the Board thank KB for all his thorough and extensive work around the Insurance company requirements. All paperwork has been prepared and signed.
Does Fire Rescue do training with fire extinguishers? How much would it cost to train 1 person rather than 10?
2019/007D – JH, SPO, has resigned and she will be requested to serve 4 weeks notice. SH to contact applicants from previous interviews to see if they are still interested in the post.
2019/008D – Pest Control to be contacted regarding mice in the building if we can’t contain this ouselves.
2019/009D – Pat Testing – Do we get a Company in or is there a training course that someone could go on?
2019/010D – Financial Report Active Regen – PB said 3 payments are now due. KB to be asked to send details to MW (amount owing and also the Licence Agreement) so that he can prepare a strong letter.
2019/011D – Luncheon Club and Fairshare:- “Poppies & Mollies” are to take food to be prepared in their kitchen for the Luncheon Club – this will save time on the day which was a “teething problem” on the first day.
2019/2012D – Sports Park – KB to be asked to ring again about line markings but not to go ahead until we have received two quotes.
Any Other Business:- None.
Time and date of next Board meeting – Thursday, 25th April, 2019 at 4.00pm