KPWCDT Directors Meeting
The Old Colliery Offices
Wednesday 6th April 2016
Present: S Hryschko, K Stone (Sec), P Blanksby, (Chair), D Beck, R Bullock, A Hantke, J Gibbons
Apologies: E Shortridge, Y Woolley, A Whiteway, M Wright
Minute Taker: Keith Stone
2016/094D: Declaration of Interest. None.
2016/095D: Minutes of last meeting/Matters Arising.
084D Spanish classes now finished, if the current tutor does not accept our terms of room rent and payment he will not be invited back.
SH spoken to Ian Kendall, Land Trust regarding the street lighting on Colliery Rd, they are reluctant to accept responsibility for the lighting. Land Trust have reviewed their budget and decided they should not be covering the cost of road lighting. Mr Kendall is taking it back to LT. An issue has arisen with the drains in that they are completely blocked with silt. The builders on site will connect drains to a different system.
PB raised a query regarding the management of Kiveton Meadows, SH confirmed we have withdrawn our interest.
Freight Liners have renewed the room rent contract. Freight Liners have complained about the inconvenience of having to park 25 yards away from the building.
The minutes were proposed by DB as a true and accurate record, seconded by PB
2016/096D: Financial Report.
SH presented the reports to the Board, CDT, Kivo-ebiz and Kiveton Creative accounts all show continued improvements. There were no questions from the Board.
A quote for a sign board for the sports facility has been received approximately £1400.
A new CCTV system is in the process of being installed, the estimated price for that will be approximately £6000. The system is a very up to date design and will cover the sports facility as well as the building.
SH has had a meeting with Rotherham social prescribing representative, we are still hopeful the Colliery Offices will be used as a venue, further meetings arranged for next week. Another project that hopefully will come to us is Improving Communities an organisation based in Sheffield that requires an office in the Rotherham area. Further meetings in a couple of weeks. SH informed the Board of her intention to retire in September, hopefully by then we will have a CEO in place.
Chris Sidall of Disability Sport.
2016/097D: Building Managers Report.
Written report from KB. The Board reviewed a very comprehensive report from KB.
KB mentioned potential hazards that might be highlighted by the F/B on their next visit.
Utility bills all under what we were paying this time last year. The new negotiated gas tariff comes into effect on 24th April. Buildings insurance to be renewed this month. Sports facility insurance to be dealt with by Neil (KP football).
2016/098D: Sports Development update.
DB suggested J Wheatley be invited to opening ceremony. Buffs will let us have the food wagon to use on the day. Ticket system to be introduced, for use over the weekend. Work is on schedule despite a slight delay because of a problem with the drains. General discussion took place about the opening weekend. KS to send invite to Police sports rep.
2016/099D: Any Other Business.
KB to contact KK motorcycle training to move the container off site until tarmacing has been complete. The Board agreed a rent increase for KK motorcycle training to £25 pw proposed by PB seconded by DB, Board all in agreement, a letter will be sent to Kyle.
PB queried if RR equipment has been moved from the back room, it hasn’t.
PB queried traffic conditions at the end of Colliery Road on the opening weekend.
Date and time of next meeting 6pm Thursday 28th April 2016