KPWCDT Directors Meeting
Thursday, 27th September, 2018
The Old Colliery Office
4.30 pm
Present:- P Blanksby (Chair), S Hryschko, A Whiteway, R Bullock
Apologies:- D Beck
Absent:- M Gray, S Nuttall, MWright
Minute Taker :- R Bullock
Declaration of interest:- None
2018/028D – Matters Arising:- With regard to 2018/026D, The Board had agreed that JH should be paid overtime for the extra hours worked. This will be paid in October’s salary. Proposed by SH – Seconded by AW
2018/029D – Financial Report:- PB to ask KB about the rents to be collected. The bank balances supplied by KK appear to be looking healthy. Final payment made this month for the Key Fund loan.
2018/030D – KB Report:- A huge “Thank-You” to all involved for managing the incident at the Walking Football so professionally.
Courtyard Guttering:- PB to contact SN to ask when he will be doing the work.
Thank-you to AW for sorting out the kitchen, windows and hand dryers.
Sue Brooks – This needs to be sorted out as soon as possible. KB to be asked to finalise the collection by contacting those who haven’t yet contributed. This must be prioritized.
Magazine – We offer greatest sympathy with regard to delivering the magazines. We know it is hard. PB to talk to KB about asking for volunteers to help.
Utilities – KB does extremely well researching the best deals
2018/031D – JH report:- SH will be attending the meeting with Barry Knowles with JH and will be looking to arguing for more funding. Social Prescribing is the main priority. 2.
Audited accounts received for Kiveton Creative and Kivo-Ebiz. A separate meeting will be set up to discuss these.
Any Other Business:- None
Time and date of next Board meeting – Thursday, 25th October, 2018 at 4.30 pm