December 2023

Directors Meeting – 7th December 2023

Minutes & Actions
Attendees: Lindsey Turner (Chair) | Joy Wright | Sherie Robinson | Carolyn Ogden Kevin Bennett |Mick King I Cheryl Thompson
| Kim Warner | Charlotte Delaney


Point Topic Action Due
1 Review Previous Minutes/Actions
2 Matters Arising
3 Declaration of Interest

4 Finance Report
The Trust Financial Activities Report for November 2023 was reviewed. It was discussed that more detailed reports can be provided as and when requested for future meetings.
Joy/Lindsey would like copies of the last bank statements fort Trust & Sports Park
A full report of all incomings/outgoings split for Trust & Sports Park for 2023 will be presented at next Meeting on 25th January 2024
Joy brought up the resurfacing of the pitches & Kevin advised that it was a 10 year lifespan and was originally laid May 2016. A Sink Fund was discussed and also Mick was asked to look into possible funding ASAP Kevin was asked to get a re-quote ASAP

5 Trustees Planning Process 2023/24 – Mick
Mick talked through the plan for 2024 as per his printed report.
The Position of Trust Manager will be advertised in the New Year.

6 Trustee Update
Carolyn Ogden was proposed as a Trustee by Lindsey, seconded by Joy & Voted by all. Kevin to Register on Companies House ASAP

7 Community Fridge Update
Kerry advised the CF is growing in popularity. Donations seem to be increasing with the addition of Fareshare items & we have secured new collects from Tesco Dinnington, KFC & Nandos etc in the New Year
Charlotte is still awaiting clarification from EHO regarding labelling etc.
Wall Mounted Fly ‘zappers’ still to be sourced – Lindsay will carry this forward.

8 Fairshare
Kerry/Charlotte will continue to review incoming fareshare deliveries weekly to utilise efficiently

9 Shelving for Lunch Club Flour etc
There is still a need for shelving and alternative storage for the flour etc which needs to be kept cool and away from rodents etc.
Cheryl mentioned storing flour in large plastic tubs with lids to prevent contamination & rodents etc. This will be discussed further
Carried Forward.

10 Winding up Kiveton Creative
Final accounts have now been produced & posted & remaining funds to be transferred to Trust. DS01 Form (Strike off document) to be submitted
Kevin needs to set himself up a new KPWCDT email address

11 Metal Plates for 2 Doors
Still needs to be resolved – This was not discussed as Jeremy was unable to attend ASAP Jeremy

12 Social Prescribing Report – Kim
Kim advised that groups are doing really well & that Christmas Lunch preparations are underway with plenty of bookings
Discussion to be had regarding adding more groups for more Income moving forward based on what is needed/required in the community etc Kim/Laura

13 Football Income etc – Kevin
Worldpay has been cancelled. The customer who was still using will now pay bank transfer.

14 Events
The first Craft Fayre took place on Sunday 26th November, run by Joy, Sherie, Cheryl & Charlotte. There were 17 Stall holders and feedback on the day was positive. £466.35 was raised in stall money, refreshments & raffle/games .

15 Fundraising
Lots of future events were discussed/suggested as ideas (Clothes/Swish Night, Murder Mystery events, Bistro Nights, Egg Hunts)Previous discussions included a Summer BBQ/Networking opportunity to include the local village and maybe asking Trailer on Tap/Mark Whiteman to attend – Provisional dates Saturday 22nd/29th June 2024 was noted. A Fundraiser dedicated to the building, Quiz Nights/Bistro Nights – Pencil in date of March 2024, Specific Trustee Events Ongoing discussions.

16 Hardware/Software Update
Jeremy gave an update on this and it was also noted Security Cameras are being monitored to keep an eye on Anti Social Behaviour .

17 AOB
Football Bookings etc
Kerry asked about how football bookings/enquiries worked etc. Kevin explained the current procedure and about the weekly schedule he updates in the office. It was also mentioned about the extra information sheet that he had prepared & distributed to all staff.

Community Matters Magazine
It was finalised that the magazine was going ahead for Winter 2023 without the council articles etc. There will be a reduced number printed & distributed and the online library will be updated & promoted
Website Update is needed.

Neon Signange
Mick suggested Neon signs for the fitness room but this was declined by Lindsey.

Sherie hadn’t had time to set up account to produce fliers etc with a generic username & password to share as yet. She mentioned she could look into costings etc – Carolyn advised it should be free for a Charity to use – This needs researching

AOB (Cont)
Sherie mentioned maybe inviting the Mayor & others to visit CDT to raise awareness of what we do. Also Jake Richards will be attending a Lunch event that Mick was invited to attend also on Wednesday 17th January
She thanked everyone who had made her feel welcome in her time as Trustee & was very much looking forward to her upcoming holiday in Lanzarote.

It was mentioned in his absence that Jeremy had offered FOC services for people wanting help with laptops etc for people to support CDT in return
This has been reviewed & Kerry will look into another policy we may need in relation to CF

Uniform Exchange
Cheryl suggested that it may be an idea to print request forms that people can be filled in for volunteers to check if we have the required item. These could be placed in the wicker drawers in CF room with the form dated attached for the person requesting to collect without. Dates can be checked & cleared out periodically if not collected.

Flooding/Ice etc
Lindsey mentioned the recent flooding & cold weather had caused a concern with ice etc especially the corner of the sports park gravel car park & the entrance road into main car park. It was mentioned that Laura was dealing with trying to sort the Drain issue.

18 Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 25th January – Colliery Offices was agreed (Amended to Thursday 11th January)