MAY 2017

KPWCDT  Directors Meeting


The Old Colliery Office

25th May 2017

Present – S Hryschko, A Whiteway, R Bullock, D Beck, K Stone, M Wright, P Blanksby

Apologies – E Shortridge, A Hantke, M Gray

Minute Taker – K Stone

2017/178D   Declaration of Interest.  –  None.

2017/179D   Minutes of last meeting/matter arising.

174D PB thanked Arthur, Edward and Keith for their work in the kitchen.

Minutes accepted as a true and accurate record, proposed by PB seconded by DB.

2017/180D   CEO Report.

£200 to be donated to the Kivo Pitnic

Line management to be on agenda for next months meeting.

Staff holidays and pay. Staff report that here has only been one review in 7 years, this is to be held over until next month due to there being no financial reports.

Board agreed to CG having her booked leave in June providing she is aware that if her contract is not extended that there may be some form of payback due.

Ground Maintenance, the grounds now need quite a bit of work to make them tidy. No volunteers have come forward to assist, suggest employing someone on a casual basis. This was discussed and the Board felt that before we employ anyone KB should be asked to spend some time outside.

There will be a staff/volunteer/trustee meeting on Wednesday 7th June at 2pm at the Colliery Offices. It is important that as many people as possible attend.

Social Prescribing.  Two new groups have started. The lunch club still well supported. New mental health support group starting on Thursdays, this group will be called Middle Ground.

2017/181D   Report from K Bennett

Excellent report read by the Board.

Main points.

Sports Park. Fencing repaired. The last quarterly pitch maintenance carried out in May.

Building. Defib emitting low battery warning, new batteries to be purchased.

Grounds maintenance, discussed in CEO’s report. Replacement downpipes reuired in back courtyard, to be purchased asap.

Youths entered back garden by lifting fence panels, trashed the gazebo.

Magazine at the printers.

Printer. We have been quoted £47 per month for a refurbished machine, Board queried the cost of purchasing a machine outright. KB to make enquiries.

2017/182D   Financial Reports.

No reports available 

Meeting closed due to a number of trustees having to leave early.

Time and date of next meeting 2pm 7th June (Staff/volunteer meeting)


Time and date of next Board meeting 1600 hrs 22nd June 2017