APRIL 2017

KPWCDT  Directors Meeting


The Old Colliery Office

27th April 2017

Present – S Hryschko, A Whiteway, R Bullock, D Beck, M Gray

Apologies – E Shortridge, K Stone, P Blanksby, M Wright, A Hantke.  S Nutall.

Minute Taker – R Bullock.

Meeting chaired by D Beck

2017/172D   Declaration of Interest.  –  None.

2017/173D   Minutes of last meeting/matter arising.

Pigeon control – quote received from James, all agreed to accept his quote.

2017/174D   Report from C Goodlad.

CG attended and completed a first aid course.

Pop up picnic – meeting arranged for next week.

Get the village buzzing boxes have been collected, very few returns.

2017/174D   Report from K Bennett

Sports Park – maintenance required, Board agreed to continue current contract for quarterly maintenance.

The increase in rates was agreed but also to offer a discount for block bookings to KPFC £33 instead of £35.

Query whether Neil will continue with the weekly maintenance.

PAT testing completed.

Mains electrical testing – New fuse board required, MG making enquiries see if he can assist with this.

Brookhouse Gas to drain the heating system – all agreed.

Travellers Taxis asking for permission to make alterations to their room, agreed, to be monitored.

Cellar joists repaired by Arthur, Edward and Keith, new floorboards laid in the kitchen.

James has informed us the toilet in the garage needs some servicing. New vent required and toilet not flushing properly.

2017/175D   Financial Reports.

No reports prepared.

2017/176D   Community Café report.

No funding bids submitted at this time, plans from the architect required before we  can submit bids.

2017/177D   Any other Business.

Contract for CG to be for four months (until 30th June).  This will allow us time to see if CG manages it will also give us time to seek someone else for the role.


Time and date of next meeting 1600 hrs 25th May 2017