KPWCDT Directors Meeting
The Old Colliery Offices
Thursday 23rd June 2016
Present: S Hryschko, K Stone (Sec), A Whiteway, R Bullock, M Wright, S Nutall
Apologies: E Shortridge, Y Woolley, A Hantke, P Blanksby, D Beck
Minute Taker: Keith Stone
2016/102D: Declaration of Interest. None
2016/1039D: Minutes of last meeting/Matters Arising.
Buffs van now removed.
The minutes were proposed by SH as a true and accurate record, seconded by KS.
2016/104D: Financial Report.
SH presented the reports to the Board, CDT, Kivo-ebiz and Kiveton Creative accounts all show continued improvements. CDT account showed significant amounts in credit, this would soon be adjusted when invoices for the sports park had been paid out. The sports park bookings and cash flow forecast was also discussed.
2016/105D: Social Prescribing hub appointment.
SH VAR have approached us to become a social prescribing hub. SH went through social prescribing procedure. Building Better Opportunities a EU funding project was also discussed. The person in mind for these positions is Dr Cate Goodlad, SH has been in contact with her, further talks to be held. Finding a CEO was also discussed, this is an urgent requirement for the Trust.
2016/106D: Building Managers Report.
Written report from KB.
Community Matters, delivery completed, our usual printers have gone out of business, new printers found at a less expense.
Room 34 tenant has given notice to quit in August. Room 39 was let at the beginning of May, nothing heard from tenant.
Website and facebook updated.
Sports park website and booking/payment facility up and running.
Estimate to rewire the network £3,000, further quotes to be sought.
SN has contacts in IT business.
New lawn mower purchased. Trial to do without paper towels in the buildings.
Utility costs down from last year.
2016/107D: Sports Development update.
All work completed, Sports Park up and running with bookings through the winter. Brian is quite happy with the booking procedures. It has been suggested that we hire out for childrens parties.
2016/108D: Land Trust.
Land Trust has contacted us, they will sort out the drains and the street lights on Colliery Road.
2016/109D: Canals and River Trust.
SH Fishing ponds tender is due in the near future. CDT to consider putting in a bid in conjunction with Kiveton Angling Club.
2016/110D: Strata.
SH 2 men commissioned by Strata have been in the area with theodolites, measuring up for the park and ride area.
2016/111D: RedRoad.
Because of continuing abusive and threatening behaviour to Directors, staff and volunteers RR have been given 1 month notice to leave the premises. Directors were contacted prior to the Board meeting because there was still some time until the next meeting. The Board agreed unanimously with this action.
2016/112D: Any Other Business.
SH informed the Board that June Gibbons has resigned due to abuse received from RedRoad clients. The board thanked her in her absence for all her work. SN was happy to be co~opted onto the board, the board unanimously in favour.
2016/113D: Date and time of next meeting. 6pm Thursday 28th July 2016