Meeting KPWCDT Directors Meeting
Date 25 August 2022
Time 1830hrs
Venue Colliery Offices
Directors Martin Gray
Helen Greer-Waring
Kath Payne
Lindsey Turner
Joy Wright
In Attendance Mick King
Kim Warner
Rachel Haigh
Directors Apologies Joy Wright
Keith Payne
Kevin Bennet
Quorum The meeting was quorate
Ref Title Action
2022.061 Welcome and apologies
Apologies received as noted above.
Lindsey Turner was voted in as Chair
Update Committee details
2022.062 Declaration of Interests
No new interests declared
2022.063 Minutes of the last meeting and matter arising
The minutes of the meeting 21 July 2022 were considered and agreed as a true representation.
Retrospective approval of the June 2022 meeting minutes was made with the quorate Committee
Minutes to be put on the website
2022.064 Rachel Haigh talked to the meeting about facilitating a football tournament, coaching and helping to develop girls/ladies football.
The Directors resolved to work with Rachel to help organise a tournament.
2022.065 Funding of caretakers was discussed to enable the building to be open and closed when football is being played in order that people will have access to facilities.
The Directors resolved to consider how funding can be sourced.
2022.066 Community Fridge
Directors resolved to pursue this further as it is felt there will be an increasing need over the coming months
Follow up and report back at next meeting
2022.067 Youth facilities
The Directors feel there is an unmet need in the Community for young people to meet. Whist the Trust would like to open up a place for young people it should be for all young people and not seen purely as a place for those who no-one else will allow on their premises. The Directors resolved to arrange for the back room to be decorated to make it a more usable and welcoming space where young people can meet.
Arrange decoration
2022.068 Funding Bid. Mick outlined the Humber funding bid and what the Trust needs to do. Martin offered the services of an accountant to work alongside Mick and Kevin. The bid will help to develop the Social prescribing work.
The Directors resolved to accept the offer of an accountant and take forward the bid.
Mick to report back at next meeting
2022.069 Any other business
Rent arrears – follow up with the tenant
Leaking roof – arrange for repairs
Container removal – chase up the owner
2022.070 Meeting summary
The meeting was encouraging and positive with several initiatives making good progress.
2022.071 Date of next meeting
Annual General Meeting
29 September 2022
Colliery Offices