February 2020

Directors Meeting
Thursday, 27th February, 2020
The Old Colliery Office
4.00 pm

Present:- P Blanksby (Chair), S Hryschko, K.F Payne, K Payne A Whiteway,
Rita Bullock

Apologies:- None

Absent:- M Gray, M Wright. D Beck, S Nuttall,

Minute Taker :- R Bullock

Declaration of interest:- SH declared an interest in SPO

Minutes of Last Meeting – Matters Arising

KB has sent a final reminder to HK and GM regarding their rent arrears and advising them that we will take legal action.

A new boot cleaner is needed. Board agreed that this should be purchased.

KFP suggested a new clock be purchased so that teams finish on time. Perhaps all teams should be advised that they should stick to their time slot.

All G.Sec signs should be removed.

K.B. Report:-

Active Regen – PB is to email MG about rent arrears.

Sports Park forecast – excellent news. Wales high School going to build a 3G pitch. SH phoned Football Foundation about proximity to ours. Football Foundation going to do a feasibility study regarding use in this area.

First Aid – Is KB willing to do the course again.

Thanks KB

Financial Report:-

Alex is doing a good job. Kivo-Ebiz is up to date and the Trust and Kiveton Creative are being worked on. When Alex is totally up to date (probably April) we will get a Management Account every month.

We will need to agree a random rota for spot checks on Saga. We must stick to our Procedures.

Social Prescribing:-

SH wrote to PB giving up line management of S.P.

A letter to be sent to GM on Friday , 28th February, 2020 stating that as she walked out in the middle of a conversation with her line manager she broke her contract She was also in breach of her conditions of employment by disrespecting a member of staff.

PB will contact an electrician as the cooker hob keeps switching off.


No tenders received back.

Any Other Business:-

No response as yet from Police regarding fraud.

PB said he knows someone who will run a carpentry group. PB to pass this information on to KW.

NEXT MEETING:- Thursday,19th March 2020 at 4.00 pm