Minutes of Directors Meeting
Wednesday 15th July 2020
The Old Colliery Office
6.00 pm
Present:- P Blanksby (Chair), K.F Payne, K Payne, A Whiteway, Rita Bullock, , S Hryschko,
Apologies:- D Beck M Wright
Minute Taker :-Kath Payne
Declaration of interest:-None
20/37D Minutes of Last Meeting – Matters Arising
The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting.
20/44D Financial Report:-
SH distributed a copy of the bank balances for all accounts and highlighted some rent arrears. Steph will write reminders to those outstanding.
All invoices are paid up to date
20/45D Update on Fraud Invetigation
PB asked about the position of the investigation .SH to phone the police for an update
20/46D Opening up the Facilities
Rotherham unity Community football group have asked to book the football pitches for an 8 week programme 2 hours per week starting on the 22nd of July for 2 pitches. We are waiting for their Covid risk assessment including track and trace.
Monday night Power League have also been asked for their risk assessment before they can start up again n 3rd August.
Lots of phone enquiries are coming in now government guidelines have relaxed.
20/47D :-Reducing Furlough
Because of the growth of bookings for the football pitches we would require the return of KB to work for 3 hours per day from 1st August .to be reviewed ongoing by requirement. AP to return 10 hours per week and KW 8 hours per week.
Staff have been asked to have taken 11 of their holidays before end of July and to confirm requirements for the remaining 9 days with their respective line managers.
20/48 :Shipping Container
No ground rent has been received yet for the container and it hasn’t been moved or painted. It is also causing an unforeseen problem as a group of youths have been gathering behind it, damaging the fencing and using it as a “hidden” entry point to the garden. This week the motorbike trainers reported that they had doused a fire the boys had set behind it.
We ask that it is moved and painted before the next Board Meeting or we will have to organise its removal. The damage to the car park also needs to be repaired.
20/49 RMBC Architect Design Invoice:-
This has now been paid.
20/50D AOB:-
Some of the Trustees were having difficulty attending 16.30 meetings so we made the meeting 18.00. Unfortunately the same trustees didn’t attend the later meeting We will leave August meeting at 18.00 and then review.
NEXT MEETING:- Thursday 16th August 2020 at 6.00 pm