KPWCDT  Directors Meeting


The Old Colliery Office

13th January 2016


Present – P Blanksby (Chair) , K Stone, J Gibbons, A Whiteway, R Bullock, K Bennett.

Apologies – D Beck A Hantke E Shortridge Y Woolley K Kitteridge S Hryschko           M Wright

Minute Taker – Keith Stone.

2015/081D   Declaration of Interest.  –  None.

2015/082D   Minutes of last meeting/matter arising.

2015/078D Redroad FM up to date with payments.

The minutes were proposed by AW as a true and accurate record, seconded by RB

2015/083D   Financial Reports.

The reports were reviewed by the board, no questions asked.

2015/084D   Report from K Bennett.

KB gave a very thorough report, it was noted that we are in credit with both gas and electric. Room 39 is now vacant. Spanish classes commence on 13th January.

In the process of purchasing IT equipment. Website and Facebook up to date.

New LED lights fitted into the clock tower replacing fluorescent tubes.

Letter sent to tenants regarding car parking during the sports development.

Tenants also reminded to sign in and out of the building.

2015/085D   Sports Development update.

In the absence of SH (due to illness) KB updated the Board regarding the sports development. Project start date 25th January to last 15 weeks. Estimated finish date and hand over 2nd May.

Two further meeting scheduled for 23rd Feb and 29th March both at 0930.

All tenants notified of start date and change of fire assembly point. Letter to be sent to local residents in close proximity.

2015/086D   Any other business.

AW raised concerns regarding the trees and lighting on Colliery Road.

Board discussed security during and when project completed.

2015/087D   Date and time of next meeting.

After some discussion it was decided to make the meeting the fourth Thursday of the month alternating 2pm and 6.30pm.

Thursday 25th February 6.30pm at Colliery Offices. (Weather permitting)