OCTOBER (1) 2017

KPWCDT  Directors Meeting


The Old Colliery Office

5th October 2017

Present – P Blanksby (Chair), S Hryschko,  A Whiteway,  M Wright, D Beck, R Bullock

Apologies –  K Stone

Guest – Sue Bass

Minute Taker – R Bullock

2017/204D   Declaration of Interest   MW declared interest in the scouts lease.

 2017/205D   Minutes of last meeting/Matters arising.

 As Activ Regen didn’t deliver as fully as expected the summer programme funded by Awards for All, it was agree that they should be given the opportunity to deliver.  Kevin liasing with Gary.

CCTV Monitoring PB to check that the £900 pa charge has been cancelled.

Café Update  Bright Ideas have agreed an extension.  We are still waiting for Jonathan to deliver the plans.

AGM  The Boards are to set a date at the next meeting on the 26th October 2017.

The Chair’s Report has been completed (5/10/17) and will be sent to VAR.

Minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record proposed by MW, seconded by RB.

2017/206D  Scout Lease

The Chair asked that the Scout lease be discussed as the first item.  This was agreed. A plan of the proposed building and interior were passed round the table and WM explained the lease to the Board.  A ‘peppercorn’ rent, including outside maintenance, of £50 per quarter was agreed to be paid 1st January, 1st April, 1st July, 1st September.  Meters for gas and electricity will be installed in the Scout building.  Mains sewers if the blockage is directly from the Scout building, they will be responsible.  It was suggested that the lease be for 100 years for the option to renew or buy after that.

2017/207D  CG Report

CG’s report was accepted and the Board asked that all credit well done for this should be passed to Cate

 2017/208D  K Bennett

KB explained why the magazines were late due to printing.  This has now been sorted.  Thanks to Kevin and volunteers for delivering.

We are still wanting another Caretaker for the sports pitch.

2017/209D  Financial

The Trust is now in a much better financial position.  It was agreed to do some funding bids after the feasibility for the Café.  It was agree that Neil Coulson should be asked to help with these.

Time and date of next Board meeting 1600 hrs 26th October 2017