Minutes of Directors Meeting
The Old Colliery Offices
16th November 2021
Present: Rita Bullock, Steph Hryschko, Keith Payne, Kath Payne, Helen Greer-Waring, Martin Gray, Carolynn Ogden – Observers: Joy Wright, Dominic Beck
Apologies: Cameron Williams
Election of Chair: Steph Hryschko was Chair for the meeting
Declaration of Interest: None declared
21/127 Minutes of last meeting These were agreed
21/128 Matters arising
21/129 Board Composition – update of changes resignations received from Michael Wright, Simon Nuttall and Janine Cope
Carolynn Ogden has joined the Board as the Parish Council representative. Joy Wright attended the meeting with a view to joining the Board
21/130 Removal of Container The container was removed from the site prior to the meeting.
21/131 Continuation of Kivo Ebiz? For discussion at the next meeting
21/132 Youth Initiative – update following last meeting All agree this is an area we want to pursue. The library should also be used for youth events. How can we work with the library, Jade, Police and other organisations to develop this area further?
21/133 Renovation of Sash Windows – update following last meeting Steph advised the board that she has agreed with the supplier that he will honour the quote given plus 10% and this will be fixed until March 2022. Martin would like to see the quote. Dominic will see if there is anything available from RMBC as the building is a unique asset to the borough.
21/134 Pavillion Steph has undertaken a huge amount of work on this and it needs someone to take the project on. Money has been promised – Steph has all the details of funders and amounts.
21/135 Finance Report
21/136 Related Party Forms (for accounts finalisation) Forms were completed by those who hadn’t previously done so.
21/137 Policy requirements Mick King has previously been funded to work on Governance. He has continued to work in a voluntary capacity.
21/138 Staff reports The reports from Kim and Kevin were read and discussed. A question was raised about the successful bid by Kim and what it was to be used for. Further discussion was made about opening/closing of the pitches.
21/139 AOB Following the changes to trustees the board needs to agree line management responsibilities staff and volunteers.
Date and time of next meeting
14th December at 6pm