Meeting KPWCDT Directors Meeting
Date 21 July 2022
Time 1830hrs
Venue Colliery Offices
Directors Martin Gray (Remote attendance for part of the meeting)
Kath Payne
Keith Payne (Remote attendance for part of the meeting)
Joy Wright
Lindsey Turner
Helen Greer-Waring (appointed at meeting)
In Attendance Mick King
Kim Warner
Kevin Bennett
Directors Apologies Joy Wright
Quorum The meeting was quorate
Ref Title Action
2022.050 Welcome and apologies
Apologies received as noted above. Martin Gray and Keith Payne joined the meeting remotely for the first part.
Lyndsey Turner took the Chair for the meeting
2022.051 Declaration of Interests
No new interests declared
2022.052 Minutes of the last meeting and matter arising
The minutes of the meeting 20 May 2022 were considered and agreed as a true representation.
Formal agreement of the minutes will be taken to the next quorate meeting
2022.053 Action log
Service Level Agreement was agreed following the last meeting.
2022.054 Co-option of Trustee
Helen Greer-Waring was co-opted as a Trustee/Director.
2022.055 Report from Mick King including Structure and Youth Work
The proposed new structure was discussed in detail and broadly agreed with the proposal. It was noted that Kevin wanted to reduce his working hours further. On accepting this, the Trustees are keen to see the change to the new structure implemented so that an apprentice learn from Kevin.
Discussion also took place around the Social Prescriber role and the need to consider an assistant which will facilitate a continuation of knowledge and experience.
Youth Work
It was noted that the Library and Community Hub was set up to enable youth input and participation. The Trust were being asked to give space to those young people who were not engaging. The practicalities of hosting young people was discussed and more thought needs to be made as to how this can be done as the room identified isn’t wholly suitable.
2022.056 Report from Kevin Bennett
Further discussion took place around an apprentice role working with Kevin.
Kevin has taken on the monthly quick books following working closely with the finance officer who has now taken a sabbatical.
• Consideration will be made to recruiting someone to fill in on a part time, temporary basis.
• Kevin was still working to fin information which was not handed over from the previous Accounts officer and the trustee line manager.
• Community Matters magazine was being pulled together by Kevin.
Helen requested that the budget profile be brought to the next meeting.
2022.057 Report from Kim Warner
Kiveton Park Infant School held their sports day on the pitches. The event was particularly successful as it enabled the full inclusion of one student who had not previously been able to participate fully. Feedback from staff, students and parents was very positive. Kim and Mick will look to continue closer working with the school.
• The Gardening project is going to start work at the back of the colliery offices.
• Activities have been introduced at the coffee morning, these have been received positively
• The lunch club continues to have fluctuating attendance but overall the numbers are good but there is scope to build on this.
• The Walking group is reasonably self-managed and attracts a good number of regular attendees.
2022.058 Any other business
2022.059 Meeting summary
Lyndsey thanked everyone for attending and contributing and noted that the Board will discuss the launch event at the next meeting
2022.060 Date of next meeting
25 August 2022
Colliery Offices