June 2022

Meeting KPWCDT Directors Meeting
Date 23 June 2022
Time 1830hrs
Venue Colliery Offices

Directors Martin Gray (Chair)
Kath Payne
Keith Payne
Joy Wright
Lindsey Turner

In Attendance Mick King
Kim Warner
Ingrid Hitchings
Helen Greer-Waring

Directors Apologies Martin Grey
Joy Wright
Keith Payne

Quorum The meeting was not quorate

Ref Title Action

2022.033 Welcome and apologies
Apologies received as noted above. Due to the absence of three Directors the meeting was not quorate.

In the absence of the Chair, Lyndsey Turner took the Chair for the meeting

2022.034 Declaration of Interests
No new interests declared

2022.035 Minutes of the last meeting and matter arising
The minutes of the meeting 20 May 2022 were considered and agreed as a true representation.
Formal agreement of the minutes will be taken to the next quorate meeting

2022.036 Action log
No actions brought forward

2022.037 Rent arrears and bad debt
The issues were discussed. It was noted that the previous finance officer had not carried out the duties effectively and followed up non payment of invoices. This had not been picked up by the line manager at the time.
Follow up at next meeting
2022.038 Matter raised by the cleaner following weekend use
Concerns have been raised about potential substance mis-use with evidence being found in the gents toilets on a Monday morning.
Speak with taxi manager
2022.039 Uniform Exchange
The Uniform Exchange was up and running and proving very popular.

2022.0340 Service Level Agreement
Mick King had produced a draft Service Level Agreement.
Formal agreement will need to be made at the next quorate meeting.

2022.041 Feedback from Business Plan meetings
A verbal update was received from Mick King, the plan is progressing with the next meeting to be held on 14 July 2022.

2022.042 Growth Plan
A Centre Manager Job Description was presented to the meeting. This will need to be agreed at the next quorate meeting.

An update was provided from the Youth Steering Group meeting held on 9 June 2022.

Partnership working with Kiveton Park Infant school was discussed.

2022.043 Finance update
Ingrid updated the Board, all the accounts for the past year are complete. There had been significantly more work than there should have been but Ingrid had put in a lot of time and effort to bring everything up to date.

2022.044 Accountancy role
Ingrid advised the Board that she would like to take some time out to travel and would get everything up to date so that it would only take a few hours a week to maintain. The Board will need to consider a replacement.

2022.045 Social prescriber update
An update paper was received from Kim Warner.
A PCN funding bid for a gardening group was successful, Kim would update the Board with developments as the group had not yet started.
The lunch club was running well with a small surplus in funding.
The walking group is well attended and is increasingly popular.
Referrals to the foodbank now come from chid and adult social care, citizens advice, police and others.
The Coffee morning is popular and well attended. Activities have been introduced.

2022.046 Manager update
Kevin sent a board report for June 2022.
Of note is the motorcycle container which is still in-situ. The owner has been told to remove it.
Formal notice needs to be made giving a deadline, by which if it has not been removed arrangements will be made and the owner billed.

2022.047 Any other business

2022.048 Meeting summary
Lyndsey thanked everyone for attending and contributing.

2022.049 Date of next meeting

21 July 2022
Colliery Offices