Monthly Archives: April 2017


morrisonsFANTASTIC NEWS….We were recently awarded a whopping £5,000 by Morrisons the supermarket people to support a program of disability sport here at the KIVETON COMMUNITY SPORTS PARK. Morrisons came to present the cheque to us on the 4th April and they were just as thrilled as we were as they commented that it was the first time they has supported a group like ours in this area,

Posted in Frontpage, General, Latest News



defib in place 2We now have an emergency defibrillator here at the Kiveton Community Sports Park  The defibrillator is in a specially heated cabinet which is accessible 24/7 and is located on the outside of our building opposite the pitches.

The defibrillator has been registered with the Yorkshire ambulance service and access to the cabinet is by dialing 999 ( see front of cabinet) and following their instructions.

As I am sure you will agree an important and vital piece of kit, but hope that it never has to be used.

Special thanks go to Martin Gray of Harsco for the kind and very generous donation of the defibrillator and to START – A -HEART Rotherham we also kindly and very generously donated the special cabinet.

Posted in Frontpage, General, Latest News