KPWCDT   Directors Meeting


The Old Colliery Office

4th January 2018

Present – K Stone, M Wright, D Beck, S Hryschko, A Whiteway

Apologies – A Hantke, R Bullock, M Gray, P Blanksby

Minute Taker – K Stone

In the absence of P Blanksby (Chair), D Beck chaired the meeting.

2018/001D   Declaration of Interest   None

2018/002D   Minutes of last meeting/Matters arising.

2017/218D Regarding separate account for the sports park, Board discussed the issue and thought the way forward maybe to purchase Bonds as a way of making interest on the money. MW to  research.

DB proposed the minutes a true and accurate record, seconded by KS.

2018/003D   SPS Report from CG

Concerns were raised regarding the funding of this project. At the moment the Trust is funding something like 50%. The Board all agreed that this was unacceptable. It was suggested that CG contacts the  Kimberworth project to find out what funding they receive. The programme would then be reviewed and future funding researched.

2018/004D   K Bennett report.

MW queried how many hours and what rate the caretaker was receiving for the pitch maintenance.

MW asked to see the contract details for the programme to be delivered by Activ-Regen.

Activ-Regen to be sent a letter/email regarding the repair to the floor/carpets so that the insurance claim can be completed. The problem with the drains continues, it may be that paper towels are being flushed down the toilets causing the blockages. To remedy this it was suggested putting a roller towel in the toilet. Awaiting reports for drains maintenance firm.

2018/004D   Financial Reports

Read, noted and accepted.

2018/005D   Any other Business

SH updated the Board regarding the café/phase 2 sports all agreed how good the plans looked. However there were concerns with the invoice being substantially more than the quote we received. This item to on next months agenda. The building valuation has been amended upwards but the Board is still not happy with it, MW to contact another source.


Date and time of next Board meeting 5.30pm followed by the AGM at 6.30pm

on the 22nd February 2018.