Directors Meeting
Thursday, 29th August, 2019
The Old Colliery Office
4.00 pm
Present:- P Blanksby (Chair), S Hryschko, D Beck, R Bullock, A Whiteway, K Payne, K Payne
Apologies:- M Wright
Absent:- S Nuttall, M Gray
Minute Taker :- R Bullock
Declaration of interest:- None
Minutes of Last Meeting:- Accepted proposed by DB and seconded by SH
RB introduced Kath and Keith Payne as potential new Trustees
2019/014D – Matters Arising:–
Plastics:- This subject will be revisited when the pavilion has been built but in the meantime we could perhaps collect all plastic and take it to the recycling centre
2019/019 – KB report:-
Safeguarding of staff and volunteers:- KB suggested that individual personal cameras be used but this would need to be fully discussed at a later date. It was also suggested that, perhaps, a personal panic button would be preferable. We need to look closely at Staff and Volunteer Policies.
Magazines:- KB asked on Facebook for volunteers to deliver the Magazine and the response has been excellent. Well done Kevin.
Active Regen:- Still having to be chased for rent. They are now 3 months in arrear again.
2019/020 – Social Prescribing:- It has been noted that referrals are now picking up.
Luncheon Club:- This is now working really well and Linda is doing an excellent job. A light lunch on Wednesdays is due to start on the 25th September 2019.
Keith Payne suggested contacting Medical Services about volunteer drivers for the Luncheon Club.
2019/021:- Finance:- To be revisited after the holidays are finished
2019/022 – Pavilion :- The Tenders for the build have now all gone out. The funding is looking good as Power to Change and Sport England have agree funding. We are still awaiting the Football Foundation decision.
Strata update:- DB suggested that SH telephone Strata to get an update on the situation re land transfer.
2019/023 – Facebook:- As The Board does not have any input into what is posted on Facebook it was suggested that we need a policy. DB suggested contacting VAR if they have anything suitable. We are soon to advertise for a Volunteer/Project Officer who should have some responsibility for social media output.
2019/024 – Drainage:- The problem with the drains that has arisen from the drain survey should be resolved when the replies to the Tenders are in.
Any Other Business:- Kath and Keith Payne would like to join The Board and would also like to volunteer when appropriate. SH said she will sort out induction paperwork for them. All agreed to co-opt them onto the Board
Time and date of next Board meeting – Thursday, 10th October, 2019 at 4.00pm