January 2021

Minutes of Directors Meeting[i]

Thursday 28th January 2021

The Old Colliery Office

18.30 pm

Present:-   P Blanksby (Chair), K.F Payne, K Payne, A Whiteway, Rita Bullock, , S Hryschko,.M Wright, M King. Janine Cope and Jane Bailey also attended the meeting via Zoom                  

Apologies:-   None

Minute Taker :-Kath Payne

Declaration of interest:- None

21/68D Minutes of Last Meeting – Matters Arising

The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting.

21/69D. Trustees

A vote to co-opt 2 new trustees, J Cole and J Bailey, was proposed and agreed by all.

No one came forward to take on the role of Treasurer and therefore it was proposed that Trustees take turns to work with the Finance Officer to check on Sage input on a random, monthly basis. This is an important financial safety requirement in our Financial procedures.

It will also give all Trustees a better awareness of Financial processes.

KathP agreed to take the role of Secretary

21/70D Financial Report:-

SH gave directors details of the Trust Bank Accounts as the end of year accounts are still not complete. Once our Finance Officer has the accounts up to date we will be back to monthly Management Accounts being presented to the Board each month.

We have received a VAT report on the Pavillion development. We are advised that there would be a charge of £189k (of which approx. £90k would be recoverable if and when we managed to get the café build sorted)

21/71D Kevin’s Building Manager report

Before the report was read SH asked to record a special thank you to Kevin regarding the positive feedback from the news letter

The report was read and accepted. Trustees voted to authorise KB to purchase the lever arm machinery for the flood lights to reduce the long term costs of bulb replacement.

Trustees will review the “casual use” of the Sports Pitches once the current lock-down is over

.21/72D Kim’s Social Prescribing report

SH reported on how KW is delivering above and beyond in this role and has been working extra hours to meet increased demand on the service.

 The report was read and accepted. Trustees agreed for Kim to register the Trust as a Food Bank and to start taking referrals.

21/73D Planning Application for storage containers 

SH has submitted the application to RMBC for 2 sports storage containers

21/74D Sheffield Live,Power to Change MK/SH

Michael King explained his role in working with Trustees on areas identified in the Business Development Support Plan

He is working on a review of Legal and Governance Structure and has also prepared a document entitled On Becoming a Charity Trustee which is a guide to provide Trustees with a greater depth and understanding of roles and responsibilities and expectations of them

MK will also review and update our Policies and Procedures and also look into our structure and line management.

The Trust has approx. £8,000 from Power to change to cover this work, the VAT advice and some towards Funding Bid work.

21/75D Use of Sports Pitches

Discussed in item 21/71D

21/76D   AOB:-

  1. The Trust is to receive quotes for work on making the windows more heat-efficient and to look into potential funding.
  2. We have been asked by RMBC if we could become a polling station on 5th May. The Board agreed in principle and would look into necessary adjustments to current services.

NEXT MEETING:- Thursday 18th   2021  at 6.00 pm
