February 2019

Directors Meeting
Thursday, 21st February 2019
The Old Colliery Office
4.00 pm

Present:- P Blanksby (Chair), S Hryschko, M Wright, R Bullock, A Whiteway

Apologies:- D Beck

Absent:- M Gray, S Nuttall

Minute Taker :- R Bullock

Declaration of interest:- None

Matters Arising:- Active Regen are still in arrears with their rent payment.

2019/001D – K.B Report The red 5 aside lines and the yellow 7 aside lines need repainting. MW would like to know whether it is possible to get individual quotes for the red and yellow lines and also we need to know how much income is generated by the 7 aside pitch. MW to liaise with KB

FA Pitch Inspection –All agreed not to go for this.

Insurance – Agreed and renewed. Sports Park to pay £150 per month towards this.

2019/002D – Financial Report £2,218.92 has been paid out for new tables, chairs, fridge and freezer but this will come out of the funding to be received from Yorkshire & Humber Lottery.

2019/003D – Pavilion –A letter has been received from Sports England asking for more details. It appears they are interested in putting this through to stage 2..

We have received another Architects / building quote for the proposed pavilion and this is approximately £900,000 less than the original one. Another quote is to be obtained so that we can compare all three.

Another steering group meeting to be arranged to discuss the pavilion.

2019/004D –Social Prescribing Update – We are awaiting delivery of
the tables, chairs, fridge and freezer. SPO’s hours are to be increased from 2 days to 3 days. We are also to employ someone to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers and also get the DBS checks in place. As there is some funding towards transport, SH is also to arrange covering costs of Door-2-Door transport for the luncheon club

2019/005D – Policies and Procedures – These are due for review and are to be shared out amongst Trustees for update at next meeting. A consent form for under 18’s use of the sports pitches is now in place.

Any Other Business:- None.

Time and date of next Board meeting – Thursday, 28th March 2019 at 4.00pm