KPWCDT Directors Meeting
The Old Colliery Offices
Thursday 25th February 2016
Present: S Hryschko, K Stone (Sec), A Whiteway, P Blanksby, (Chair), D Beck, R Bullock, M Wright
Apologies: E Shortridge, J Gibbons, Y Woolley, A Hantke, K Bennett.
Minute Taker: Keith Stone
2016/088D: Declaration of Interest. None.
2016/089D: Minutes of last meeting/Matters Arising.
084D SH Raised concerns regarding the size of the Spanish classes, there was also a query regarding room rental. The Board all agreed that if the tutor didn’t meet our standards he would not be employed by us again.
086D PB queried the situation regarding lights and trees on Colliery Road, Land Trust have said they have included lights and tree trimming in this years budget.
The minutes were proposed by MW as a true and accurate record, seconded by AW.
2016/090D: Financial Report.
SH presented the reports to the Board, CDT, Kivo-ebiz and Kiveton Creative accounts all show continued improvements. SH felt that Kivo-ebiz profits could have been better if so much time had not been spent looking after placements.
MW queried miscellaneous expenses, KK to show sports project expenses. KK has attended a financial seminar at VAR. SH informed the Board of other courses to be held.
The building and land will need to be re-valued, MW to action.
2016/091D: Building Managers Report.
Written report from KB.
Community Matters ready for printing. RR paid up to January.
Freightliners expected to move out in May. Richard Harris shown interest in a larger room.
Training room revenue from 1/4/15 to date £2,600. IT classes starting 8 March.
Recently purchased IT eq uipment installed. Social media updated re sports development.
Light sensor required in clock tower, battery required for emergency lighting. Room 39 redecorated. Gas and electric accounts both in credit. £1,000 to be refunded to us.
Telephone and broadband prices renegotiated. New sports brochure back from printers.
KS requested that tools be purchased for the Trust, Kb to make a list of tools required.
2016/092D: Sports Development update.
SH Funding bids submitted for launch day. Board discussed programme for 15th May.
All work on schedule. Charities Commission have accepted the changes to our Arts & Mems on our website. There will be a site meeting on 31st March. Board talked about Social prescribing and the possibility of there being an office at the Trust. All agreed it would be a good idea.
Steering group meeting 26th Feb.
2016/093D: Any Other Business.
Date and time of next meeting. 2.30pm Thursday 24th March 2016