JUNE 2017

KPWCDT  Staff/Volunteers and Directors Meeting


The Old Colliery Office

22nd June 2017

Present – S Hryschko, A Whiteway, R Bullock, D Beck, K Stone, M Gray, K Bennett,   C Goodlad, K Kitteridge

Apologies – M Wright P Blanksby

Minute Taker – K Stone

PB requested SH to chair the meeting in his absence. SH updated the meeting regarding the meeting held on 7th June 2017.

KB responded on behalf of the staff, the main points being:-

Pay reviews not frequent enough

Line management not in place.

Lack of communication throughout the organisation.

Discussions took place regarding these issues, then outcomes were:-

Pay reviews, it was agreed that a pay review should be held every April and that is the Boards responsibility to address pay. It was proposed that staff should get a 2% increase now then be index linked annually. Staff to come back to the Board with their response.

Line managers, the situation should be addressed as soon as possible, to be on the next Board agenda.

Communication, the suggestion was to have everyone in the same office; all agreed that this is a good idea and should be implemented if possible.

A mini Board meeting then took place.

2017/183D   Financial Reports

The Board reviewed the accounts, SH reminded the Board that £14,000 still to be taken from the CDT account, all accounts currently in credit.

2017/184D   Report from C Goodlad.

SPS there were 2 new referrals this month. The Tuesday lunch club has expanded into Wenesday as well. The craft club is growing slowly but surely. Middle Ground has 3 regular attendees with the possibility of one more this week.

CEO printer/copier enquiries ongoing.

Complaint received from a member of the public regarding hedge trimmings left of the footpath causing problems with dog paws. Suggest a more coordinated garden/grounds sessions.

Pitnic this has been consuming much of my time, organising groups who are attending, checking everything is in order.  I will be there at 8am, could this please be taken into account when calculating any holiday that may be owing if temp contract not extended.

I would appreciate a decision with respect to the temporary contract.



2017/185D   Report from K Bennett.

Sports Park. 2017-2018 revenue forecast a surplus of £28,000

PCI Compliance for online payments renewed a one off payment of £29.99.

Gravel Boards required at the side of the pitch next to the gravel car park, J Spacey looking at costings.

Building. Two new tenants moving into rooms 31 and 37. This will be an additional £500 a month. Just one room left vacant at the moment.

Street lights on Colliery Rd now installed and working at a running cost of £200 pa.

Magazine for June all delivered. KB updated the Board on printing costs.

Printer/copier currently sourcing quotes for replacement.

Utilities, gas still performing well, we have had the cheapest 5 months in eight years, eg Jan – May 2010 gas cost £4,463, this year £1,074. Electricity usage is up, floodlights on the sports park being responsible. Then again because of the light nights May has been the lowest for eight years.









Time and date of next Board meeting 1600 hrs 27th July 2017