Directors Meeting – 16th November 2023
Minutes & Actions
Attendees: Lindsey Turner (Chair) | Joy Wright | Jeremy Clark | Sherie Robinson Mick King Cheryl Thompson
Laura Hickey | Charlotte Delaney
1 Review Previous Minutes
Signage – Sorted
Fly Zapper – See point 7
Discussions with Laura re Football Development Project – Carried Forward
Craft Fayre – Point 15
Uniform Exchange has been relocated & John Leaver is settling into his new room
Community Matters Magazine/Kath Article – point 14
Insurance Policy review – Complete – see point 18
Staff Meeting Attendance – It was noted these are voluntary & unpaid .
2 Matters Arising
3 Declaration of Interest
4 Yorkshire & Humberside Update – Mick
Mick announced the ‘Hot off the press’ news that The Trust has secured the funding from Yorkshire & Humberside that he has been working on.
This is great news for the future of the Trust.
5 Trustee Update
Sherie has stepped down from the Trustee role due to work confinements but she will continue to volunteer moving forward.
6 Lunch Club Review
Lunch Club was discussed. Charlotte has settled in well and despite a few expected hiccups all is going well and the people who attend the group really like her. We have a new volunteer to help on a Tuesday now too. Bridie is a young girl who works next door and came in asking to volunteer .
7 Community Fridge Update
The CF room is growing in popularity. Some ready meals are planned to be placed in there with a suggested minimum donation.
Charlotte is just awaiting clarification from EHO regarding labelling etc.
CCTV camera is now in place
Wall Mounted Fly ‘zappers’ still to be sourced – Lindsay will carry this forward
8 Fairshare & Foodbank
The food bank is now officially closed. Kerry is continuing to review incoming food weekly to utilise all deliveries between the Lunch Groups, Community Fridge & Community where necessary.
Charlotte is involved with this also ongoing.
9 Shelving for Lunch Club Flour etc
There is still a need for shelving and alternative storage for the flour etc which needs to be kept cool and away from rodents etc.
Cheryl mentioned storing flour in large plastic tubs with lids to prevent contamination & rodents etc.
This will be discussed further Carried Forward.
10 Winding up Kiveton Creative
This is well underway.
Final accounts are been produced and there is some documentation that needs signing off
Kevin needs to set himself up a new KPWCDT email address ASAP
11 Metal Plates for 2 Doors
This was discussed and Jeremy will measure & source the plates to resolve ASAP Jeremy .
12 Fundraising
• There was a discussion about potential future fundraising. A were Summer BBQ/Networking opportunity was discussed to include the local village and maybe asking Trailer on Tap/Mark Whiteman to attend – Provisional dates Saturday 22nd/29th June 2024 was noted
• A Fundraiser dedicated to the building
• Quiz Nights/Bistro Nights – Pencil in date of March 2024
• Specific Trustee Events
This will all be discussed further at next meeting
Carried Forward to next Meeting.
13 Social Prescribing Report – Kim
Kim’s report was read & discussed.
Feedback was quite consistent across the groups and it was noted that the new Light Lunch Group is off to a good start doing well so far and numbers are increasing.
It was noted that advertising of all groups needs work
Numbers this week 24 Lunch Club 9 Light Lunch
Foodwaste was also discussed & considered and the trustees are still happy for Charlotte to take a judgment on leftovers etc distribute around staff & volunteers
Kim/Laura Over next few weeks.
14 Football Income Generation Summary – Kevin
Kevin’s reports were discussed and noted the success of the ‘Turn up & Play’ sessions which generated almost £1000 income. Worldpay monthly cost was discussed and it was decided that this should be cancelled as we now have only one customer that uses this facility. We need to speak to the person who currently uses this and migrate them to paying into bank in future – Cheryl will speak to Kevin
Community Matters Magazine was further discussed & will be further reviewed by the trustees with a possible re-jig & change to an A5 format. Kevin to include Kath leaving article
15 Events
Our first Psychic night with Brenda Daskin has taken place. 41 Tickets were sold to include Pie & Peas – We are awaiting feedback
The first Craft Fayre will be taking place on Sunday 26th November. There are 18 Stall holders expected to arrive and we hope this will be a success. Joy & Sherie will be running on the day, Charlotte will be serving home made bakes & we will be serving Tea/Coffee & Cheryl will be volunteering
Mick suggested that fitness income surplus could maybe be used for some events ie Christmas Party, Walking Group etc
Discussion was had that it may be useful to separate income on Quickbooks for events etc in future. We are already separating expenses – CT to look into this further Further discussion ongoing.
16 Neighbourhood Watch Meetings
No further discussion.
17 Hardware/Software Update
Jeremy gave an update on this and it was also noted Security Cameras are being monitored to keep an eye on Anti Social Behaviour .
18 AOB
Sherie will look to set up account to produce fliers etc with a generic username & password to share
Vikki Fitness
It was mentioned that Vikki may prefer to pay the trust her takings weekly rather than monthly. This wouldn’t be a problem and Cheryl can discuss this with her
Laura Report
Laura spoke about some funding she has been looking into & applied for. Specifically a keep warm incentive which should pay towards the Trust heating costs & keep warm packs which we can distribute to some of our group users
This has been reviewed & Kerry will look into another policy we may need in relation to CF Sherie Cheryl Kerry
19Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 7th December – Colliery Offices was agreed