MARCH 2018

KPWCDT Directors Meeting


The Old Colliery Office

29th March 2018

Present:-   P Blanksby (Chair), S Hryschko,  A Whiteway,  M Wright, R Bullock

Apologies:-    M Gray

Minute Taker :-  R Bulloc

2018/006D – Declaration of:- None

2018/007 – Election of Officers:-  PB to email all Board Members absent from the meeting to ask if they have any preferences or wish to volunteer for a position.

2018/008D – Minutes of the Annual General Meeting:-  Accepted.  Proposed by MW and seconded by SH

2018/009D – Financial Report:-  KB asked to find out which of our tenants owe the £1,482.58 outstanding

2019/010D – KB Report:-

Building:-  Active Regen to be asked to sort and remove all the items taken out of their office.  Also to dispose of any paperwork not necessary to keep as the weight of all this is extremely heavy.

Drains:-  PB to ask KB to re-circulate the report.

Fire Risk Assessment:-  The Board agreed to go ahead with the assessment.

Fire Alarm:-  Agreed to KB accepting the best quote for the necessary servicing.

Windows:-  The 4 broken windows should be repaired with plastic  MW Proposed and PB Seconded.  SH suggested that we should consider charging for the breakages which always happen on Monday nights when Power League are playing.  Perhaps we should ask Brian to let us know the culprits.

LED Lights:-  6 required @ £32.00 each = £192.00 if AW fits them.  Agreed to do the communal spaces first.

Garage Electric Meeter:-  We are waiting to hear from Neil of Harsco.

RMBC:-  All the Board members present agreed to the grass cutting to continue.

Hand Dryers:-2 new hand dryers are to be purchased.  The dryer at present in the Ladies toilet is to be moved to the Disabled toilet and the new ones installed in the Ladies toilet and the upstairs toilet.

V.A.T:-  MW advised that the VAT regulations are very ambiguous but he thinks we are entitled to the lower rate of VAT on energy supply.

2018/011D – CG report:-  Accepted

Job Vacancies:-  Both Cate and Karen have given  notice to leave.  We shall miss them terribly.  They are both wonderful workers and will be hard acts to follow.  The Boards would like to say a massive thank you for all their hard work

A sub-group is to meet to discuss our future employment needs.  SH MW PB RB all said they would join the group if required.

2018/012DStaff Pay:-  Pay increases will be effective from 1st April 2018

KB to receive 3%.  All agreed.

SB pay will increase with the minimum wage to 7.83 per hour.

Time and date of next Board meeting 1600 hrs 26th April 2018