March 2017

Kiveton Park & Wales Community Development Trust

Directors meeting

Old Colliery Offices

Thursday 23rd March 2017


Present:   P Blanksby (Chair), S Hryschko, K Stone, A Whiteway, R Bullock,      C Goodlad.


Apologies:   A Hantke, E Shortridge, M Wright, M Gray



2017/166:   Declaration of Interest   None



2017/167D:   Matters arising from last minutes.

155D Pigeon control, estimate to be sought from James, RB to action.

Work place payroll, 2 employees, sports park, indicated they would leave if place on payroll. Present system to remain in place, invoice must be raised by them and their NI numbers are required by the Trust.

With the amendments the minutes were accepted as a true record, proposed by RB seconded by SH.



2017/168D:   Report from C Goodlad.

CG presented her report to the Board; Social Prescribing continued to be busy.

VAR have offered further contracts totalling £10,000 that includes setting up 2 new groups.

CEO Role, CG thanked the Board for offering her the role of Acting CEO. CG has taken up the organising of the community picnic and consultation. The picnic meeting on the 22nd March was very productive with some good ideas offered.

Concerns have been raised regarding sanitation in the ladies toilets. Board agreed that contractors should be employed for this waste disposal.

Communication issues were raised with immediate effect the minutes from Board meetings will be circulated as soon as possible and CG will disseminate information as required. CG proposed that staff meetings continue and should be held fairly soon after the Board meetings.






2017/169D:   K Bennett Report.

The Board viewed the very comprehensive report from KB, main points from the report are;

Sports Park price review. Proposed new prices, 5 a side pitch £35ph, full size pitch £70ph. School children, weekends and holidays £2ph £3 for 2 hours. The Board was unanimous in agreeing to these prices wef 1 September 2017, signs to be put out as soon as possible. KB to action. Pitch maintenance contract due to finish, we will try and do this in house.

Fixed wire and PAT testing, this should be done as soon as possible, check with MG first.

Street lighting, TCV now state they have only £3000 towards the cost of new lights. The quote received is £5200 + VAT = £6240. That will leave us having to pay £3240. Board agreed that this should be done at the earliest opportunity.

Radiator valves to be discussed when we have a price.

Floodlights on the pitches adding dramatically to the electric bill, check that training lights are being used instead of match lights. SH suggested we try to calculate cost of using the lights.

Hand driers required in the toilets, to go ahead subject to costs. KB to get a quote for us. New license agreement checked and approved by the Board. Board noted that KB had obtained defib container from Start a Heart no cost to us.


2017/170D:   Financial Report.

After viewing and discussing financial reports SH proposed that VAT debt be paid off, seconded by RB Board agreed.




2017/171D:   Community Café update.

SH, ladies from the football clubs have been asked if they would like to join the steering group. The favoured date for the meeting is 3rd April 6pm. Board viewed plans for both options for the café. One option is where the metal container is at the moment, the other is between the pitch and the road. These plans will go to the steering group for their recommendations.


2017/165D:   Any other Business.



Date and time of next meeting 4pm 27th April 2017