JULY 2017

KPWCDT   Directors Meeting


The Old Colliery Office

27th July 201

Present – P Blanksby (Chair), S Hryschko, A Whiteway, R Bullock, K Stone, C Goodlad

Apologies – M Wright, P Blanksby, D Beck

Minute Taker – K Stone

2017/186D   Declaration of Interest   None


2017/187D   Minutes of last meeting/Matters arising

Minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record proposed by SH, seconded by RB.

2017/188D   CEO Report.

CG gave her report to the Board, main points being,

SPS going well with new attendees. Looking to set up a secret Facebook group. Funding from VAR has been received.

CEO Environmental Health have inspected the new kitchen and given it a top rating.

A pitnic debrief has been held, lots of feedback received. TCV have said they would like to do more joint working with the Trust.

2017/189D   Report from K Bennett

The report was discussed in some detail.

Sports Park. It was suggested that it would be a good idea to have a budget report/prediction for the monthly meeting, KK to be asked to provide report.

The Board discussed fire prevention measures, suggestions put forward were reducing the amount of cardboard boxes, possible lining the walls with fire resistant cladding.

Magazine. Board members to be included in the reminder circulation.

Printer and utilities information all noted.

2017/190D   Financial report.

SH reviewed the accounts with the Board, finances will require close monitoring.

2017/191D   Staff  Pay.

Staff to be awarded 2% pay rise to be implemented as soon as possible and to be index linked.

2017/192D   Kivo-Ebiz.

Abby is doing very well and is now on the payroll.

2017/193D   Café update.

J Hayward (architect) to come back with plans in September.

2017/194D   Scouts lease.

After a short discussion the Board members present deferred this item until more trustees were present, would like MW to be present for discussion.

2017/195D   AGM

To be announced at next meeting.

2017/196D Job description for C Goodlad.

Job description and pay were discussed at length; result to be conveyed to CG as soon as possible.

2017/197D   Any other Business

No items.


Time and date of next Board meeting 1600 hrs 24th August 2017