Data Privacy Notice

Participants:  Personal Data Collection

We hold the following personal information about you in accordance with the
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Privacy Notice overleaf.

Key to Legal Basis for processing:  LI=Legitimate Interest;  Op=Optional;  SC=Subject Consent

LI – this is the basic information that we have to keep about you
in order to invite and welcome you to our activities.

Op – You can choose to give us this information if you wish, but you are not obliged to do so.
Please tick the box in the SC column if you are happy for us to use your optional data.

    LI Op SC
Title: Optional:  x y  
Given Name(s)   y x x
Family Name   y x x
Preferred Name Optional:  x y  
Date      First participated
              Last participated
You do not need to complete this box.
We will keep our own records of this information
y x x
Address                 Street address
            Address line 2, if required
                                        Post code
  y x x
Phone Number(s) Optional:  x y  
E-mail Address(es) Optional:  x y  
Subscriptions that you pay and any donations that you make You do not need to complete this box.
We will keep our own records of this information
y x x
Personal Experience, Expertise & Interests   Optional:  x y  
Special Needs   Optional:  x y  

I confirm that I am happy for the Charity to hold my above personal data and to use it for the purposes described in the Privacy Notice overleaf.

Signed:  ………………………………………………………      Date:  ……/……/.…..

Privacy Notice:   Participants in Activities

It is important to us that you understand and are happy with how we use your information.
Please take time to read this Privacy Notice in full.

Data Subjects
are people like you, who take part in our activities.

What we do with your personal data?
We use your personal data to help us organise the sort of activities that you like to come to, and to keep you informed about those activities.   We can do this because we have a legitimate interest in knowing who is participating in our activities and in being able to share with them details of our activities (including any changes) and related activities.
Additional optional information we only keep and use with your consent.

Your right to withdraw consent at any time
You can tell us that you no longer wish us to use your data in this way and, if you do, we must stop using it as soon as is reasonably practical

Your right to require the erasure of your data (right to be forgotten)
If you no longer wish us to have or use your data you can tell us to remove your data completely from our records and we must do so as soon as is reasonably practical

Who gets to see your personal data?
We only share your personal data with other people when it is necessary to do so in order for us to run our activities efficiently and in the way that you would like.
We do not share your data with anyone else.

How long do we keep your personal data?
We only keep your personal data while you come to our activities, either regularly or from time-to-time.
If we have not seen you at one of our activities for 2 years we will delete your data.

We do not transfer your personal data to other countries

The existence of each of your rights
Under the General Data Protection Regulation you have the following rights:

  1. to be told about what data we have, how and what we use it for, and who we share it with (as we are doing in this Privacy Notice);
    1. to be given access to your personal data;
      1. to have any errors corrected or incomplete data completed;
        1. to stop us using your data if you think our use is unjustified or the data are inaccurate.

Your legal obligation
You are under no legal obligation to give us your personal data if you do not wish to.

The existence of automated decision making, including profiling
The Charity does not use computers to analyse your data in order to make computer decisions about what communications the charity should, or should not, send to you.

The right to complain to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office:
if you are dissatisfied with the way that the Charity is collecting, holding, processing and using your personal data you are entitled to complain to the Information Commission.

Identity and contact details of the controller.

The Charity’s Data Controller is the Board of Trustees of Small Charity Support

The Controller can be contacted via:   The Principal Trustee,  Small Charity Support,
                                                              46 Farm Road,  Edgware  HA8 9LT
Phone: 020-8958 6801;                        e-mail: