Meeting Monthly Board
Date 26 January 2023
Time 18.00
Location Old Colliery Offices
Lindsey Turner Trustee and Chair
Helen Greer-Waring Trustee
Joy Wright Trustee
Mick King Consultant
Kath Payne Trustee
Kim Warner Social Prescribing Officer
Kevin Bennet Building Manager
001 Welcome and Apologies
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted as above.
The meeting was quorate.
002 Declarations of Interest
Lindsey Turner is a member of the Parish Council
Joy Wright is a Director of Kivo Ebiz
No items on the agenda have been identified to present a conflict of interest.
003 Minutes of last meeting
No minutes were presented for approval, the Chair would follow this up for the next meeting.
Urgent Items
The Chair requested for the minutes – Kevin is responsible for notifying Joy if there is any post to be collected for Kivo E-Biz.
The Chair requested Kevin arrange for a key and fob for the building.
A bank account was requested for the Community Fridge, the Chair suggested that Kevin and Karen should arrange for this to be undertaken.
005 Contract of Employment for Accounts Officer
Helen would ask Kevin for a blank contract and would complete one for Karen.
Charity Commission Update
Following the receipt of a letter via email and subsequent discussions, Helen and Mick would produce a response to cover each of the issues raised.
Concern was expressed about the safety of pharmacy staff walking alongside the building in the dark. Enhanced lighting is required to ensure the area is well lit from dusk onwards.
Heating Costs
Mick updated the Board that a Howden’s had awarded a grant of £500 towards fuel bills to support the Trusts additional heating costs due to the price rises and the Trusts opening as a ‘Warm Bank
The Trust would also bit do be a community partner with One-Stop and will make a request to the Parish Council for financial support.
Warm Bank/Warm Space
Supporting the Community is at the heart of the Trust’s objectives. In the current climate offering a warm space was a priority for the community. To this end, the Trust holds the following warm space activities:
Monday – Coffee morning/warm space, this has been enhanced by Kim who has developed further activities to keep people occupied for longer.
Tuesday – Lunch club/warm space – provision of a two course, hot and substantial meal was seeing a steady increase in numbers with many regular attendees.
Wednesday – activity session/warm space. Kim and Mick have established the activity session initially aimed at people with low mobility. The sessions will increase in scope over different days and times to include activities for different abilities.
Information about what is available at the Trust needs to be updated on the website.
Rooms available for renting
Kevin had met with prospective tenants and reported that they were happy with the space and would be taking up tenancies soon.
A brief discussion outlined the limited space available and suggested that the Uniform Exchange could more to an alternative room so that the existing space could be rented out.
Increase in Office Rents and Pitch Hire
A percentage increase was discussed which was deemed essential due to rising costs. The Board agreed an increase of 7.5%
The necessary notice would be given to tenants for the increase to come into effect.
Business Plan
The plan is a living document and evolving with the work being undertaken.
Helen requested a budget profile be produced for the Board
Lindsey would undertake further work on branding. A single agenda meeting was suggested to cover this item.
The Tournament would be the focus of the re-launch.
Any Other Business
Keith had missed several meetings. Following the letter from Charities Commission, Kath had advised the board that Keith would submit his resignation. Update Charities Commission and Companies House accordingly. Helen would try to meet up with Kath and Keith.
Better Today – Peer Support Group
John Leaver had been running the group for a few weeks now on Wednesday evenings and it was increasingly popular. Room hire was discussed, agreement was that the group should be rent free until such time as funding was sourced to cover these costs. The question was, should the Trust seek funding or would John be seeking funding? Discuss again at the next meeting.
Date of next meeting
Thursday 23 February
Old Colliery Offices