KPWCDT Directors Meeting
Thursday, 25th October, 2018
The Old Colliery Office
4.00 pm
Present:- P Blanksby (Chair), S Hryschko, A Whiteway, R Bullock
Apologies:- D Beck
Absent:- M Gray, S Nuttall, MWright
Minute Taker :- R Bullock
Declaration of interest:- None
2018/032D – Matters Arising:- A big thank-you to Simon Nuttall for clearing the Courtyard Guttering.
2018/031D;- SH met with JH and Barry Knowles with a push for a funding increase on the current £6,000 Social Prescribing budget
Sue Brooks – Collection will be about £60. KB to write to other Board Members asking if they would like to contribute. SH and RB to look for something, e.g. Spa Day on Groupon.
Magazine – KB was asked to attend the Meeting so that we could all discuss the delivering of the magazine. KB to put an advert in the Magazine asking for volunteers to deliver on their own road. We are also going to try to think of other ways of distribution. The Council are also going to be asked if they know of any volunteers.
2018/033D – KB Report Accepted and KB thanked
2018/034D – JH report:- No report from JH this month.
2018/035D – Social Prescribing JH is receiving more and more referrals of people with severe problems. It was thought that the Luncheon Club should be opened up to older people who live on their own without the need for referral.
2018/036D – Financial Report Outstanding Rents:- Active Regen owe 2 months rent. PB to send a strong letter requesting payment.
KK is to be asked to prepare a monthly report of Expenditure and Income for the Trust as the bank balance is very low.
2018/037D – Kivo-Ebiz Informal discussion on current events
2018/038 – AGM To be held on Thursday, 17th January 2019. PB to advise KB of date for entry in the December magazine.
2018/039 – Café & Sports Park Report
Meeting held Thursday 18th October with representatives from TCV, Strata, Football Foundation and Rotherham Sports & Leisure and Neil Coulson
Meeting held Friday,19th October with Harsco and Total Oil. Apologies were received from Gullivers Valley who stated that they would like to attend future meetings.
Both Meetings were very positive with potential working co-operation between Harsco and Strata Homes.
Any Other Business:- Attendance at Board Meetings is poor. SH asked all present to look out for and encourage potential young Board Members.
Time and date of next Board meeting – Thursday, 22nd November, 2018 at 4.00 pm