October 2019

Directors Meeting
Thursday, 10th October,, 2019
The Old Colliery Office
4.00 pm

Present:- P Blanksby (Chair), S Hryschko, M Wright, R Bullock, A Whiteway,
K Payne, K Payne

Apologies:- None

Absent:- D Beck, S Nuttall, M Gray

Minute Taker :- R Bullock

Declaration of interest:- None

Minutes of Last Meeting:-

2019/014D – Matters Arising:–

Plastics:- An email in respect of this received from KB

2019/019:-Safeguarding of staff and volunteers:- Suggested that KB visit 3 different facilities to see what they do with regard to this subject. Board agreed. MW said bodycams will not achieve any safeguarding.

Active Regen:- 3 cheques received.

2019/022D – Tenders back but higher than anticipated. SH to meet with Architects, lowest Contractor and Harsco to look at possible reductions.

2019/023D:- We do need to advertise for a Project Development/Social Media Co-ordinator as there is restricted funding allocated for this from Yorkshire & Humber

KB Report:-

John Levers is looking for more funding. We will be patient but if he cannot pay the rent he will have to vacate the office.

Environmental Health – 5* rating given.

RB to check wages with KB. KB is preparing wage slips ready.

Clock Repair – Peter Mather call into Colliery Offices to sort out timing issue. AW will continue to wind clock.

Magazine – KB to be asked who pays what for adverts and who gets them free. On what basis are charges made so that we can make a decision about primary school payment. MW said they would have a budget for this.

Sports Pitch:- After pitch was completed a big bag (11 tons) of rubber crumb was left to infil on high use areas Can KB instruct Brian or Michael in use of this as this rubber crumb has never been used. Perhaps KB could ask the other facilities when he visits

KB was asked to get a couple more quotes for the rubber crumb fill. Perhaps Football Foundation or FA may help. KB to be reminded to get other costings for line markings. Always better to get 3 quotes for any high cost work

KW?GR Report:- All looks good.

SH to look into funding Linda’s hours through Yorkshire & Humber Lottery.


Present:- S Hryschko, M Wright, D Beck, A Whiteway, K Bennet, R Bullock
Apologies: P Blanksby, Kath Payne, Keith Payne
Absent:- M Gray, S Nutall

2019/024D – Drainage:- The problem with the drains that has arisen from the drain survey should be resolved when the replies to the Tenders are in.

Any Other Business:- Kath and Keith Payne would like to join The Board and would also like to volunteer when appropriate. SH said she will sort out induction paperwork for them. All agreed to co-opt them onto the Board

2019/025D:- Standards of Professional Behaviour

Issues were fully discussed and all agreed that we should all be more tolerant and respect one another.

2019/026D:- Finance Officer

KK absence is massively impacting on us. It was suggested that VAR may be able to suggest someone to help with the backlog that is building up. KB has been doing some invoices using the old system.

The accounts have been returned to us but there are a lot of changes to Charity Law which we need to follow. Faye to be asked to come in to meet with SH and KB to go through them.

2019/027D:- Project Development/Social Media Co-ordinator

GR has offered to cover this until the post is advertised.

2019/028D:- Update Café/Pavilion

SH met with Architects from RMBC and the builder with the lowest tender. The tender is too high for our achieved funding but MG (Harsco) working with Contractor to achieve a lower cost. Waiting to hear from MG

Any Other Business:- None

Next Meeting:- Thursday, 21st November 2019 at 4.00pm

Time and date of next Board meeting – Thursday, 10th October, 2019 at 4.00pm