OCTOBER (2) 2017


KPWCDT  Directors Meeting


The Old Colliery Office

26th October 2017

Present – S Hryschko, Bullock, K Stone, M Gray, M Wright, P Blanksby, S Nuttall

Apologies – A Hantke, D Beck, A Whiteway

Minute Taker – K Stone

2017/210D   Declaration of Interest   None

2017/211D   Minutes of last meeting/Matters arising.

205D £900 per year for CCTV to be cancelled PB to action.

SH briefed the Board on the second phase of sports project/café and viewed plans.

Minutes accepted as a true record, proposed MW seconded by SH.

2017/212D   CEO Report

The Board read and discussed CG’s report and agreed that we would support the WW1 project. The SPS was discussed by the Board and CG joined the meeting to explain requirements/help required with the dining club.  Board recommended raised the charge to £4 per head. MW to check with school suppliers.

2017/213D   K Bennett report.

Board viewed KB’s very comprehensive report , it was particularly noted that Activ Regen have not delivered the full summer programme. They have been paid for what they have delivered so far. MG to liaise with them. SH updated the Board re John Lever wanting to rent one of the upstairs rooms. It was suggested he had 3 months rent holiday until he can get his business up and running, Board agreed. SH to contact Mr Lever.

MG is to contact Mr Newman regarding the pitch maintenance and use.

The Board agreed we should go ahead with purchasing gravel boards for the pitch fencing at the car park end.

2017/214D   Financial Reports

The Board reviewed the accounts, all in order. Year end accounts accepted by the Board.


The AGM will now take place in February 2018 so that it can be advertised in the December 2107 Community Matters.



Time and date of next Board meeting 1600 hrs 23rd November 2017