Directors Meeting
Thursday, 22nd November, 2018
The Old Colliery Office
4.00 pm
Present:- P Blanksby (Chair), S Hryschko, M Wright, M Gray, D Beck, R Bullock
Apologies:- A Whiteway
Absent:- S Nuttall
Minute Taker :- R Bullock
Declaration of interest:- None
Matters Arising:- 2018/038D AGM Confirmed as being held on Thursday, 17th January 2019 at 6pm.
PB requested that all Directors attend as many Meetings as is possible.
2018/040D – K.B Report There were 4 extra pages in the magazine this time due to the fact that planning had been received for the pavilion and café and KB included the plans in the magazine.
2018/041D – JH report:- Luncheon Club – Julie has suggested that Fairshare maybe a better option that the Resource Centre for meals. Perhaps a visit to Fairshare could be arranged to see exactly what is on offer. The changed seating is much better. It was also agreed that the cost of the meal should be increased to £5.0 per person.
2018/042D – Financial Report The Sports Park will start making 1,600 per month from next month due to the completed repayment of the Key Fund loan.
It is planned to transfer £500 per month from the Sports Park to The Trust to cover Management expenses. This was proposed by MW and Seconded by DB.
2018/043D – Pavilion – The planning conditions applied to the building of the pavilion and cafe were discussed and MW said there was no need to worry over them. SH and Neil Coulson are writing funding bids to Football Foundation, Sport England, Viridor and Clothworkers Union. Tenders need to be requested from 3 companies including Strata for the building work.
2018/044D – Rents:- Active Regen owe 1,700 including this month. The delay in payment is unacceptable. PB to do a strong letter.
Any Other Business:- DB informed the Board that RMBC are planning to sell the building housing the Kiveton Youth & Community Group, possibly by April 2019. It was agreed that we will do whatever we can to support the group.
Time and date of next Board meeting – The Annual General Meeting, Thursday, 17th January 2019 at 6.00pm