Minutes of Directors Meeting
Thursday 18th February, 2021
The Old Colliery Office
18.00 pm
Present:- P Blanksby (Chair), K.F Payne, K Payne, A Whiteway, Rita Bullock, S Hryschko, M Wright, M King, Martin Grey
Apologies:- S Nuttall, J Cope, J Bailey
Minute Taker : Kath Payne
Declaration of interest: None
21/77D Minutes of Last Meeting – Matters Arising
21/78D Financial Report:-
Atthe moment the Trust is in a healthy financial position.
It was agreed that all trustees would, once a month, partake in financial checks on a rota basis. The rota will be drawn up by RB
This is part of our finance security policy to randomly check the Sage inputs of the Finance Officer and will also give all Trustees a better understanding of our Sage Accounts system.
Kevin’s report
Kevin’sreport was read and approved
Board requested the the Abacus Contract be circulated among Trustees to examine the detail of the contract.
It was also confirmed that the Trust should remain politically unbiased regarding the content of Community Matters magazine.
21/80D Kim’s report
Referrals still slow regarding the food bank service. SH to send further letters to the schools.
Harthill have now transferred all their food bank stock to us
21/81D. Planning Application
Conversations have been taking place with SH and the planning officer regarding the containers .The planning officer suggested placing a wooden fence around the containers. It was suggested that the PO could give other options other than a fence
21/82D M King report
Mike is looking at the Business Plan and Staff Structuring. He is also working on a funding bid for replacement /restoration of the office windows
The board received an update on the pavilion development and funding. We received confirmation of a further £30,000 from Garfield Weston Foundation. MG said that Harsco would provide a letter to confirm an in-kind contribution of £200,000 to the building work
21/83D AOB:-
- KB has sent building and “movement flow” plans to RMBC with regard to use of the Old Colliery Offices as a polling Station
- MW asked about having some sort of Memorial regarding an Air Crash that happened locally 29th June 1951
All agreed in principle. PB will contact the council and SH will contact the History Society to see if we can set up a joint working group for this
NEXT MEETING:- Thursday 18th March 2021 at 6.00 pm