AGM NOV 2016

KPWCDT   Kiveton Park & Wales Community Development Trust

19th Annual General Meeting

Thursday 24th November 2016

Present:   S Hryschko (Chair), K Stone (Secretary), B Evans, J Stone,   C Goodlad, M Gray, R Bullock, P Blanksby, E Shortridge, M Wright.

Apologies:   D Beck, A Whiteway.

Matters Arising/Minutes of 2015 AGM.

No matters arising. Meeting accepted the minutes as a true record, proposed by M Wright, seconded by J Stone.

Nomination of Trustees:

S Hryschko nominated Martin Gray as a trustee, Martin as a local businessman and a resident of Kiveton Park. The meeting voted unanimously to accept. S Hryschko informed the meeting that she was stepping down as chair and as a trustee. The meeting were unanimous in thanking Steph for all her hard work over the years in her role as Chair and trustee. P Blanksby stated his intention to stand down in 2 years time.

S Hryschko reminded trustees the importance of their roles and responsibilities.

Trustees Report:

S Hryschko informed the meeting that CDT has been successful in a bid for VAT refund from P2C. CDT also succeeded in a bid to Tesco’s Bags of help fund to go towards the Kiveton café project. M Gray assisting in resourcing a building for the café.


Accounts were presented to the meeting, S Hryschko proposed acceptance seconded by P Blanksby. PB proposed that we use VAR for yearend accounts, meeting agreed.

Any other Business:

B Evans asked that she be made a signatory. To be looked into and decided as soon as possible. There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.23pm

The next Board meeting will be at 4pm on Thursday 4 January 2017