KPWCDT Directors Meeting
The Old Colliery Offices
Thursday 28th July 2016
Present: K Stone (Sec), A Whiteway, R Bullock, M Wright, S Nutall K Bennett
Apologies: S Hryscko, E Shortridge, Y Woolley, A Hantke, P Blanksby, D Beck
Minute Taker: Keith Stone
2016/114D: Declaration of Interest. None.
2016/115D: Minutes of last meeting/Matters Arising.
105D Dr Cate Goodlad has now been appointed as Social Prescribing Officer.
The minutes were proposed by MW as a true and accurate record, seconded by RB.
2016/116D: Financial Report.
Not Available.
2016/117D: Redroad FM.
Redroad have vacated the garage. Travellers Taxi declined the offer to move into the garage. G. Sec security has shown an interest.
2016/118D: Building Managers Report.
KB presented his report to the Board. New tenant in room 39. Room 34 being vacated in August. Sport booking, the online system of booking is up and running, little use at the moment. The pitch is now F.A. registered.
Now advertising on our website and Facebook.
Fibre broadband will be online 14th July. Garden gate now left unlocked.
Gas and electricity totals are under last years spend.
2016/119D: Power to change visit.
P2C rep visited last Wednesday, no feedback yet.
2016/120D: Any other Business.
SN raised the question regarding central heating, is it commercial or domestic.
2016/121D: Date and time of next meeting. 6pm Thursday 25th Aug 2016