Minutes of Directors Meeting
Thursday 11th June, 2020
The Old Colliery Office
4.30 pm
Present:- P Blanksby (Chair), K.F Payne, K Payne, A Whiteway, Rita Bullock, M Wright, D Beck, S Hryschko, S Nuttall
Apologies:- M Grey
Minute Taker :- KP agreed to take minutes due to RB’s deteriorating eyesight
Declaration of interest:- S Nuttall
PB asked MW and DB for their views on the issues expressed at the informal meeting held last week. Both agreed with all the points raised
20/37D Minutes of Last Meeting – Matters Arising
The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting.
20/38D Financial Report:-
AP on furlough. SH read balance from the 4 bank accounts. Furlough money has been received for March, April & May. £10,000 grant has been received from RMBC.
£30,000 has been applied for to Power2Change – we should hear in next 10 days.
SH reported new tenants for room 38 and the garage. Garage subject to Pharmaceutical Body approval (potentially by January 2021). MW not happy that SH had offered 20% discount for 1st year without Board approval. Board agreed that it should stand on this occasion but not on future lettings.
20/39D Risk assessment for possible return to work & staff concerns:-
The majority of Staff and Directors agreed to close the main Gents and Ladies toilets until staff return to work. This will leave the toilet on the 1st floor and the disabled toilet available. Any further revisions to the risk assessment have been put on hold and will be addressed again in July / August before staff return to work.
20/40D Sharing responsibilities during lockdown:-
It was felt this had been fully addressed at the previous meeting.
20/41D Container:-
The container is to be moved, painted and sited next to the other 2 containers as agreed at the last Board meeting. SN to inform MG for action as soon as possible. Site rate agreed at £5 per week.
20/42D RMBC Architect Design Invoice:-
DB has sent a letter to RMBC Architect’s department
20/43D AOB:-
- SH informed that all rentals are paid up to date to end of May 2020
- AW informed of evidence of increased drug use on car park at night. DB to speak with police.
- Sports Performance certificate due for renewal after 3 years. Board agreed to renewal.
- Helen xxxxxxxx came to speak to the Board about a potential Community Garden / Orchard following the Covid pandemic. The Board agreed to support this with use of an area of land, access to our gardening tools and some possible funding.
NEXT MEETING:- Wednesday 15th July 2020 at 6.00 pm