KPWCDT   Directors Meeting


The Old Colliery Offices

Thursday 25th August 2016

Present:  S Hryschko (Chair),  K Stone (Sec), A Whiteway, R Bullock, K Bennett.

Apologies:  E Shortridge, Y Woolley, A Hantke, P Blanksby, D Beck

Minute Taker:  Keith Stone

2016/122D:   Declaration of Interest.   None.

2016/123D:   Minutes of last meeting/Matters Arising.

Fibre broadband now installed and giving speeds of up to 80 mbps. No problems with the garden gate being left unlocked.

The minutes were proposed by RB as a true and accurate record, seconded by AW.

2016/124D:   Report from K Bennett, building manager.

Magazine at the printers. Room 34 vacated.  G Sec moving into the garage 1 October.

Insurance premium £3,909.  Board discussed the online booking system for court bookings, at the moment this system is only being used by one person, is it cost effective, decision made to let it run for a while. Snags on the courts and tarmac have been reported.

Gas and electricity usage well below last year. Full print of KB report available if required.

2016/125D:   Financial reports/Accepting accts/visit from HMRC

SH presented the accounts to the Board. No questions arose; the accounts up to year ending 31 March 2016 were accepted by the Board.

A representative from HMRC will be meeting with SH on the 24th Aug 2016 regarding VAT debt. Correspondence on going with HMRC.

2016/126D:   Interview for CEO 24th August.

Interviews taking place on 24th August for position of CEO. The interviewing panel consists of SH and KS and 2 independent persons, John Dawson from Locality and Neil Coulson . There are 4 candidates to be interviewed

2016/127D:   Chesterfield Canal Seminar 30th Sept.

SH has been invited to attend the above Seminar.

2016/128D:   Community Café/funding bids.

SH has submitted 3 bids to fund a community café.

2016/129D:   RR invoice reminder.

Redroad FM has been sent an invoice reminder by letter.

2016/130D:   Any other business

AW raised the question of letting RR take the iron gates from the garage.


2016/121D:   Date and time of next meeting. 6pm Thursday 22nd Sept 2016


Date for AGM November 24th 6.30pm