SEPT 2016

KPWCDT  Directors Meeting


The Old Colliery Office

22nd September 2016

Present – P Blanksby (Chair), S Hryschko, K Stone, A Whiteway, R Bullock,  D Beck, S Nutall, M Wright, K Bennett.

Apologies – A Hantke E Shortridge Y Woolley

Minute Taker – Keith Stone.

2016/122D   Declaration of Interest.  –  None.

2016/123D   Minutes of last meeting/matter arising.

The minutes were proposed by SH as a true and accurate record, seconded by AW.

2016/124D   Financial Reports.

The reports were reviewed by the Board, no questions asked.

2016/125D   VAT Assessment


2016/126D   CEO  Bridget Evans.

SH appraised the Board regarding the appointment of CEO Bridget Evans. Staff pensions and holiday entitlement were discussed. CEO will start on 10th October. The Board ratified the appointment.

2016/127D   Report from K Bennett.

The Board read the written report submitted by KB. Letter sent to all companies in our villages asking them if they would like to have a sign in the gardens, response is encouraging.

2016/128D   Community Café funding bids.

Rother Valley South £2,500 for equipment. CRT applied for £10,000 – bid turned down.

Peoples Health Trust – bid ongoing. Board made aware of the Co-op funding local causes.

2016/129D   AGM.

The Board were reminded that the AGM is on 24th November 6.30pm.

2016/130D   AOB

AW and JG stood in for the cleaner; Board thanked all those that assisted keeping the building clean and tidy. PB firework display on 4th November. KS queried the street light situation on Colliery Rd, this is ongoing.


Date and time of the next Board meeting 27th October 4pm.