KPWCDT Directors Meeting
The Old Colliery Office
24th October 2016
Present – P Blanksby (Chair), S Hryschko, K Stone, A Whiteway, R Bullock, D Beck, M Wright, A Hantke, B Evans, K Bennett.
Apologies – E Shortridge, Y Woolley.
Minute Taker – Keith Stone.
Chair introduced Bridget Evans to the Board.
2016/131D Declaration of Interest. – None.
2016/132D Minutes of last meeting/matter arising.
There were no matters arising, the minutes were proposed by DB as a true and accurate record, seconded by RB.
2016/133D CEO Bridget Evans.
BE presented her report to the Board.
Key points:-
Arranged meetings with some of the key people in the community.
Intial meetings with CDT staff.
Discussed the design of Community Matters with Coral Design and KB.
Submitted a bid to Big Lottery Celebrate. 150 year commemoration of reaching coal seam at Kiveton Park colliery.
BE also talked about observations so far and priorities and timescales.
2016/134D Financial Reports/Lettings.
The reports were reviewed by the Board, MW queried the Sports Park income, SH/KB explained the peak in income. SH informed the board that CDT and Sports Park financial report is now combined. Letter received from Freightliners informing us that they are vacating their offices. Room 34 taken by Wales Childcare. We now have 4 vacant offices in the building.
2016/135D Report from K Bennett.
KB presented his extensive report to the Board.
Magazine due out the end of November, still in talks with Coral Design.
RR have paid £100 toward their debt.
Walking football on Monday evenings going ahead.
Brian has returned from holiday thanks to P Hryschko for stepping in.
Training continuing with Spanish, IT and Window courses.
Quote for Icloud backup £18 pm, recommended we use this system.
Our Facebook name has changed to Kiveton Development Trust & Sports Park.
Harsco have donated a garden vac/blower, many thanks to them.
Quote to be sought for cleaning the gutters out.
Query received from one of the football trainers, do we have a de-fibrillator. Board discussed ways of raising money for on
2016/136D Report from Cate Goodlad.
We have had 17 referrals from the medical centre. Not all have taken up on what we have to offer but have been put in touch with other activity groups.
Planting scheme has been a bit slow due to time constraints. We have been in touch with some businesses that have shown an interest in getting vectored images ready for the sign maker. Godfreys have given us a really good quote on the plants.
2016/137D VAT assessment update.
SH updated the Board on the position so far. Unable to move on until receive the final notification from HMRC. I have been in contact with Sir Kevin Barron, still awaiting a reply.
2016/138D Community café/Funding bids.
The best option seems to be a wooden sports pavilion type structure sited where the steel container is now. The cost could be between £12,000 and £20,000. There would not be a problem with planning. SH has put a bid in for £35,000 from the Health Lottery who are all about social prescribing.
2016/139D Awards for All funding for sports delivery next year.
Activ Regen has submitted a bid to Awards for All in our name to fund sporting activities on our facility next year.
2016/140D Affordable Community Housing.
SH submitted a funding bid to Locality for community housing. Kiveton Park one of 24 areas chosen to receive funding for consultancy fees. The area of land in question is between Colliery Road and the railway line.
2016/141D Locality AGM and National Conference.
BE attending this event on 8 November.
2016/142D AGM.
Board reminded AGM 6.30pm 24th November 2016.
2016/143D Any other Business.
BE looking at further funding for celebrating 150 years since reaching coal at Kiveton Park Colliery.
AW reported gravel being on the football pitches, thrown up from car wheels.
AW made the point that if the pit bath area was used for housing where the parking would be when phase 2 of the sports park is built.